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Legend (BGIS_Projects/2018_NMU_Estuary_Habitats)

<Null> <Null>
Ocean Ocean
Beach Beach
Dunes Dunes
Ecotone Ecotone
Submerged macrophytes Submerged macrophytes
Macroalgae Macroalgae
Mangroves Mangroves
Sand and mudbanks Sand and mudbanks
Rocks Rocks
Salt marsh Salt marsh
Floodplain salt marsh Floodplain salt marsh
Reeds and sedges Reeds and sedges
Reed_swamp_and_swamp_forest Reed_swamp_and_swamp_forest
Swamp forest Swamp forest
Floodplain Floodplain
Open water Open water
Wetlands Wetlands
Other Other
Invasives Invasives
Disturbed Disturbed
Developed Developed
Grassland Grassland
Terrestrial vegetation Terrestrial vegetation
NMU_submerged_21Aug2019 (1)
<Null> <Null>
Submerged macrophytes Submerged macrophytes
Submerged macrophytes - Potamogeton pectinatus Submerged macrophytes - Potamogeton pectinatus
Submerged macrophytes - Zostera capensis Submerged macrophytes - Zostera capensis
Zostera Zostera